Google Machine Learning BootCamp (4)

Deep Neural Networks


  • shallow learning model vs deep learning model
  • deep learning model has multiple hidden layers
  • notation summary
    • example for 4 layers (3 hidden) NN
      • L : num of layers
        L = 4
      • n[l] : num of units in layer l
        n[1] = 5
        n[2] = 5
        n[3] = 3
        n[4] = n[L] = 1
        n[0] = nx = 3
      • a[l] : activation in layer l (gl)
      • w[l]
      • b[l]
      • x = a[0]
      • y = a[L]
  • forward propagation and its vectorizing result
  • in deep learning, right calculating for dimension is very important. it can less bugs
    • z[l], a[l] : (n[l], 1)
    • Z[l], A[l] : (n[l], 1)
    • dz[l], da[l] : (n[l], m)
  • building block of deep NN
    • concenpt of cache (z[l])
  • parameters and hyperparameters