Object-Oriented Data Structures in C++ (3)


  • study lifecycle cpp object by taking coursera class.
  • lecture
    • https://www.coursera.org/learn/cs-fundamentals-1/home/week/3
    • if you want to take this class, you should sign up/in coursera.
  • keyword
    • Constructors and Destructors
    • Methods and Operators
    • Access through pointers and references


3.1 Class Constructors

  • Automatic Default Constructor
    • Every class we’ve seen so far has a constructor.
    • It initialize all member variables to their default values.
  • Custom Default Constructor
    • The simplest constructor.
    • It specifies the state of the object when the object is constructed.
    • A member function with the same name of the class, taking zero parameters and no return type.
  • Custom Constructors
    • more fancy than default constructors.
    • allow user code to specify arguments.
  • If any custom constructor is defined, an automatic default constructor is not defined.

3.2 Copy Constructors

  • Automatic Copy Constructor
    • If you don’t write custom copy constructor, c++ compiler provides an automatic copy constructor for your class.
    • It can copy the contents of all member variables.
  • Custom Copy Constructor
    • It has exactly one argument.
      • The argument must be const reference of the same type as the class.
        Cube::Cube(const Cube &obj)
    • Copy Constructor Invoke
      • Constructor Example
        Cube() {
          std::cout << "default constructor invoked!" << std::endl;
        Cube(const Cube & obj) {
          std::cout<< "copy constructor invoked!" << std::endl;
      • Example 1
        • Code
          void test(Cube cube) {
            // Nothing
          int main() {
            Cube c;
            test(c);  // copy the obj through 'test' function.
            return 0;
        • Result
          default constructor invoked!
          copy constructor invoked!
      • Example 2
        • Code
          Cube test() {
            Cube c;
            return c;  // copy1
          int main() {
            Cube c2 = test();  // copy2
            return 0;
        • Result
          default constructor invoked!
          copy constructor invoked!
          copy constructor invoked!
      • Example 3
        • Code
          int main() {
            Cube c;
            Cube myCube = c;
        • Result
          default constructor invoked!
          copy constructor invoked!
      • Example 4
        • Code
          int main() {
            Cube c;
            Cube myCube;
            myCube = c;
        • Result
          default constructor invoked!
          default constructor invoked!
          • They’ve already been created by default constructor.
          • A constructor’s job is to actually create the object itself.
          • we’re just doing copying. (assignment)
          • So, there’s no copy constructor.

3.3 Copy Assignment Operator

  • Custom Assignment Operator
    Cube & operator=(const Cube &obj)
    • It is a public function of the Class.
    • It has the name “operator=”
    • It has a return value of reference of class type.
    • It has exactly one argument

3.4 Variable Storage

  • Every variables are stored …
    directly in memory,
    accessed via a pointer,
    or accessed by a reference.
  • Direct Storage
    • The type, size of a variable has no modifiers.
  • Storage by Pointer
    • The type of a variable is modified with an asterisk (*).
    • A pointer takes a “memory address width” of memory. (by your system)
    • The pointer “points” to the allocated space of the object.
  • Storage by Reference
    • A reference is a special type of variable which aliases existing memory by name.
    • A reference does not store memory itself(It takes zero bytes of memory to create a reference variable), it is only an alias to another variable.
    • It is denoted by the type with an ampersand(&).

3.5 Class Destructor

  • very last call in the class’s lifecycle when an instance of class is cleaned up.

Automatic Default Destructor

  • It is added to your class if no other destructor is defined.
  • It call the default destructor of all member objects.
  • It never be called directly. Instead, it is automatically called when the object’s memory is being reclaimed by the system.
    • if the object is on the stack, when the function returns(end).
    • if the object is on the heap, when delete is used.

Custom Destructor

  • A custom destructor is a member function.
  • It has the name of the class it self. and is preceded by a tilde (~).
  • All destructor has no argument and no return type.
  • It is essential when an object allocates an external resource that must be closed or freed when the object is destroyed.
    • Heap memory
    • Open files
    • Shared Memory


C++ Syntax Notes: Uninitialized Pointer, Segfault, Undefined Behavior

  • Segfault
    • If you dereference an memory access that you shouldn’t, this is often called ‘segmentation fault’ or ‘segfault’
      using namespace std;
      char *c = nullptr
      cout << c << endl;
  • Undefined Behavior
    • https://www.secmem.org/blog/2020/01/17/c-c++-and-ub/
  • Reset ‘nullptr’ after ‘delete’ memory
    int *i = new int; // allocate an integer memory on the heap.
    // now i holds some memory address to a valid integer.
    *i = 10; // do some work with integer.
    delete i;
    // this destroys the integer on the heap and frees the memory.
    // but i still holds the memory address.
    i = nullptr; // so, set i to nullptr for safety.

C++ Syntax Notes: The Modern Ranged-Based “for” loop

  • you can use “for loop” in this way.
    for {temporaray variable declaration: container} {
    // loop body
  • there are three ways about usage of “for loop”
    • use temporary value by copy
    • use temporary value of reference type
    • use value of const reference type
  • use temporary value by copy
    • following for loop makes a temporary copy each vector item by value.
    • Since variable “i” is just a temporary copy, any changes to “i” do not modify the actual container.
      using namespace std;
      int main() {
      vector<int> v;
      for (int i : v) {
        i = 100;
      for (int i : v) {
        cout << "member : " << i << endl;
      member : 1
      member : 2
      member : 3
  • use temporary value of reference type
    • If you make the temporary variable of reference type, you can modify the actual container item.
      using namespace std;
      int main() {
      vector<int> v;
      for (int &i:v) {
        i = 100;
      for (int i:v) {
        cout << "member: "<< i << endl;
      member: 100
      member: 100
      member: 100
  • use value of const reference type
    • This verson uses a reference, so it doesn’t make any copies.
    • However, following is read-only since the const mark.
      using namespace std;
      int main() {
      vector<int> v;
      for (const int &i:v) {
        i = 100;
      for (int i:v) {
        cout << "member: "<< i << endl;
      test.cpp:10:5: error: cannot assign to variable 'i' with const-qualified type
        'const int &'
                  i = 100;
                  ~ ^

Unsigned Integer Types

Graded Activities



  • implement single, copy constructor with shallow copy and deep copy.
  • implement destructor.
    class Test() {
      int *ta, *tb;
      Test(int, int);
      Test(const Test &);
    Test::Test(int a, int b) {
    // ta points a, tb points b. Pointer points just each local variable. 
    ta = new int(a);
    tb = new int(b);
    Test::Test(const Test &tc) {
    // tc is alias.
    ta = new int(*(tc.ta));
    tb = new int(*(tc.tb));
    Test::~Test() {
    delete ta;
    delete tb;
    int main() {
    Test t(1,2); // Test(int, int) is invoked! 
    Test t2(t);  // Test(const Test&) is invoked! deep copy. 
    Test *t3 = new Test(3,4);  // Test(int, int) is invoked! 
    delete t3; // ~Test() is invoked!
    return 0;