Object-Oriented Data Structures in C++ (1)


  • Lecture
    • https://coursera.org/share/e8050dce1663013e44c5be982086249a
  • 1.1 Introduction
  • 1.2 Classes
  • 1.3 Standard Library (std)


1.1 Introduction

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1.2 Classes

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1.3 Standard Library (std)

  • A set of commonly used functionality and data structures to build upon.
  • It’s somtimes called the c++ standard template library (stl).
  • It’s divided up into a number of separate files, and we make use of them by including them in any of out c++ programs.

Standard Library Organization

  • All functionality used from the std will be part of the std namespace.
    • namespace allow us to avoid name conflicts for commonly used names.
  • it can be imported into the global space with “using”:
    using std::cout
    • we can convert typing std cout into just typing cout.

Using uiuc namespace

  • we have encapsulated the Cube class into the uiuc namespace.
  • add curly brace, and we’re going to do that inside of both header and the cpp file.


  • A class can consist of multiple member data variables of different types, but each type must be specified when the class is defined.
  • Even if the functions are declared in the class and implemented in a separate .cpp file, they are still part of the class.
  • Namespaces allow different libraries to use the same label for a class or variable because they can each define a unique namespace to differentiate them when they are used together in a program.


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