Object-Oriented Data Structures in C++ (4) - fin


  • url
    • https://www.coursera.org/learn/cs-fundamentals-1/home/week/4
  • you can take this class if you sign up/in coursera.


  • oop design
  • template
  • class hierarchies and inheritance


Template Types

  • Template Type is a special type in c++ that can take on other different types when it is initialized.
  • Template Type
    • we can initialize the template using “< >”
      std::vector<char> c;
      std::vector<int> i;
      std::vector<uiuc::Cube> cube;

Tower of Hanoi

  • skip

Templates and Classes

  • Template Functions
    • template variable is defined by declaring it before the beginning of a class or function.
      template <typename T>
      int max_test(T a, T b) {  // the type of a, b can be anything! 
      if (a > b) {
        return a;
      return b;


  • generic to specialized
    • Interitance means “base class -> dereived class
  • Initialization
    • the derived class must initialize(construct) the basic class.
      • using default constructor.
      • using custom constructor.